What a goal!

Successful people set goals. Its a fact! Whether they are personal goals, business goals or even fishing goals...you are more likely to succeed if you have a clear plan on how to get to where you want to be.

When we started Wicksteed Carp Lake, we formulated and stuck to a plan; raise the capital, order the fish, build the pegs, attract the customers...

...granted, not everything has gone exactly to script (as per newsletter #1), but the lake is open and the fish are being caught - success!

Another important element of goal setting is sharing your goals with someone else in order to make you accountable for them - you are more likely to hit your targets if you have told others about them. 

So, here goes...

We will have provide the ultimate carp fishing experience - great looking fish, the best pegs and the best customer service for miles around.

Feel free to check in with us to see how we are doing on fulfilling these promises - and please keep us on track by telling us where we need to do better.

Now it's your turn... what are your fishing goals for this summer? Maybe...a twenty pounder off the surface?!

Take care, and tight lines!
